
This the way I evaluate your writing :

Score of 3

the writing in this category:
  • is generally well organized and coherently developed
  • explains or illustrates key ideas
  • demonstrates some syntactic variety
  • displays facility in the use of language
  • is generally free from errors in mechanics, usage, and sentence structure

Score of 2

the writing in this category:
  • is adequately organized and developed
  • explains or illustrates some of the key ideas
  • demonstrates adequate facility in the use of language
  • may display some errors in mechanics, usage, or sentence structure

Score of 1

the writing in this category reveals one or more of the following weaknesses:
  • inadequate organization or development
  • inadequate explanation or illustration of key ideas
  • limited or inappropriate word choice
  • a pattern or accumulation of errors in mechanics, usage, or sentence structure

This the way I evaluate your Presentation :

To be improved (1)

Average (2)

Advanced (3)


  • Pronouncing individual words in phrases or sentences in isolation
  • Producing speech with long hesitations
  • Speaking too slowly
  • Attempting to speak in meaningful chunks
  • Producing speech frequently disrupted by hesitations as students search for correct form of expression
  • Speaking generally at normal speed
  • Producing connected speech
  • Producing speech occasionally disrupted by hesitations as students search for correct form of expression
  • Varying speed to convey intended meanings and feelings


  • Pronouncing most words incomprehensibly
  • Speaking in monotone
  • Using isolated words or sentence fragments
  • Making many grammatical errors which obscure meaning
  • Making no use of cohesive devices to connect ideas
  • Using very limited vocabulary to express ideas and feelings
  • Using correct pronunciation for familiar and simple words
  • Attempting to use intonation in speech
  • Using simple sentences
  • Making some grammatical errors which obscure meaning
  • Making little use of cohesive devices to connect ideas
  • Using basic vocabulary to express ideas and feelings
  • Using correct pronunciation for both familiar and some unfamiliar words
  • Using appropriate stress and intonation to express ideas and opinions
  • Using a variety of sentences
  • Making few grammatical errors which do not interfere with the message
  • Making good use of cohesive devices to connect ideas
  • Using vocabulary sufficient to express ideas and feelings


  • Speaking in volume which is almost inaudible
  • Being nervous or standing still without attending to audience (e.g. no eye-contact)
  • Skipping unknown words
  • Very unwilling to speak up or perform in class
  • Speaking in soft voice
  • Making some use of body language to help express ideas and feelings (e.g. eye-contact)
  • Making little effort to pronounce unfamiliar words
  • Sometimes unwilling to speak up or perform in class
  • Speaking clearly and loudly
  • Making good use of body language to help express ideas and feelings (e.g. good eye-contact)
  • Making good effort to pronounce unfamiliar words
  • Willing to speak up or perform in class



  • Speaking without attending to content or meaning
  • Having no idea to use tone to convey meanings or feelings
  • Making some use of gestures and / or facial expression to convey meaning and intonation
  • Making little effort to use tone to convey meanings or feelings
  • Making good use of gestures and facial expression to convey meaning and intonation
  • Varying tone to convey intended meanings or feelings

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